, there were rumors that newman and andrea snyderman were having an affair and that the moan behind the killing was to get rid of rusty so that andrea and her boss could be together. newman was charged with the murder and part of his defense centered on the claim that andrea snyderman was actively involved in planning the whole thing. she testified at newman's trial explaining why she was in florida at the time of the murder and denying any role. >> we were married in florida at a synagogue in florida. i was down there with my family. whose boss kills swunl's husband? i don't care if there were no affair. there was no affair. who kills someone else's husband? >> newman was convicted and sure enough, six months later, andrea snyderman was charged in connection with the murder of her husband. jury selection is underway right now, but in a surprise move, the prosecutors asking the judge to drop the most serious murder charge. essentially admitting they don't have the evidence to back it up. instead, she now faces a bunch of lesser charges, including lying to police and lying while on that