>> andreas becker for the record. i'm the representative for james t. wong, the owner of the downhill residents at 17 37 12th avenue. and i'd just like to confirm what ms. sarkesian just said and join her request for a continuance. i agree that a permanent timeline may need to be established, but the two parties are in agreement that we're making progress and i just wanted to support her request. >> is there any further public comment? the commissioners can deliberate. >> i would actually like to make a motion that we uphold the order of abatement and hold it as the consideration is moving forward so we can give maybe a 90 days to do the permit and, you know, six months to do the -- considering that we are entering a rainy season, allow for that. but i think we need to draw -- i mean, it isn't usual that we extend these things over and over again like this. so, i think that it might be helpful to the process if somebody draws a line. it can get done and they can battle about it. that's my concern at this point, that it get done and we minimize the possi