and today andrei klishets said that, well, a tough statement.e said that import substitution has completely failed. this is his opinion, however, valentina matvienko once also said the day before that there are big problems and plans need to be changed. and what is your opinion on this matter. thank you very much. it's a very good question that er and enlightenment is not in the volume that we all expected, it's true, but i would not say that it failed. there is, one might say, so that it is a failure. we can say that the first stage has passed. import substitution improtrusion 1:0, and we move on to stage two. you know how zelensky can say that they are surrendering. and can you say you're evacuating ? yes, the question of assessing this or that son , i am a question of reality. for example, there i once yes, companies literally just recently there a year ago faberlic and, for example, cook uh, hmm products. yes, you can even make components there, but to go into chemistry, you have to make ingredients in order to have a big market. here we hav