the evaluation scoring process was conducted by the port's contract manager, andres acevedo with the help of a contracting consultant, mr. reyes, who work with the city comptrollers office -- representative from the contract management division also attended to ensure the fairness of the proceedings. the evaluation panel score the written proposals and then interviews of each of the respondents. based on the scoring, the panel selected metro is the highest rank proposal wiht a score of 179.6 points out of a possible 200. ports america was givne 127.2 points. the provided exhibit d in the staff report which brings it down to a specific details and the panel's average score for each evaluation criteria. in every single evaluation category metro outscored ports america. every panel member scored metro as being the highest-ranked respondent. there was no unity in terms of metro versus ports america. the poor staff supports the evaluation panel's writing because metro has a better defined business plan for a cruise operations; will partner with hartman studios (sounds like) for special ev