web producer andrew blake and political commentator sam sachs i first asked andrew to explain how this program works. spiegel first came out with this report a few days ago and we've only really seen what's in that report keep in mind that only a handful of people have access to the classified n.s.a. documents kind of stuff is talked about security researcher named jack apple presented in hamburg germany last week actually in conjunction with the dear spiegel article and managed to you to shine a little bit more light on this on interdiction program and what we do know is kind of limited right now what the public knows at least is that when the n.s.a. has a particular target whether it's a foreign state run agency or malicious hacker or some sort of you know international criminal they're trying to track down the can be you know ideally monitoring their sort of internet transactions and if that person say you know according to apple order something off of amazon dot com the n.s.a. was able to intercept that able to divert it to a side location and then literally just break inside the c