andrew campanella, your thoughts? guest: first of all, thank you.have scarves that we are wearing during school choice week. the goal is to let everybody see folks and see them celebrating school choice. when we talk about education policy in this country, it is too often about reports and white papers and research and details that people can come up with their own statistics like that one that was on the nea's website which is 10 years old. thanks for participating. there are 5500 events going on during national school choice week. traditional public schools, public charter schools, public magnet schools, online learning, private schools, and homeschooling -- in terms of the report you saw on the website, let's just be real. that report is from 2004. national alliance of public charter schools has analyzed the most recent data from the nation's report card, and they found gains, significant gains for charter school students. so let's not point to decade-old data. you have done your own analysis of your schools. if you are a charter school, do you h