concession, the big guy did have some sort of business deals but as one deputy probably quoted, the j andrew cuomodoes not show this, but as you can see, he doesn't have to benefit. he takes action directly benefiting and enriching his family. gregg jarrett will explain. the foreign money went to hunter and other family members and we all need to move along, that is what they are telling us, well, they have not had foreign adversaries send cash. none of that has happened to you? oh, i can't believe it. and often from the top geopolitical foes, while they are addicted to crack cocaine and hookers and having no experience in the areas with which they are working. and at one point his drug use was so bad, he was practically toothless, that happens to crack addicts, we are supposed to believe that unlike most, hunter was a highly functioning crack addict and that he actually earned tens of millions of dollars without any experience, energy, oil and gas, now, remember, he is also reportedly very stupid and well, i didn't say it, but you look at the 1023 form it sides the oil giant calling him dumb and