thomas hanibel and paris moffatt and andrew debous, and anthony carter and anthony hunter and marcus carter. one is deceased. i missed coming last week because i've been dealing with a lot with my son, and i just don't want people to forget my child. i know that i come here with these pictures all the time. but this mostly is for the sf-gov television, for people to see this and see what i'm going through and what i'm still going through. my son had a mother. he has a father. and this is what they left me with. i'm still seeking justice for my son. and a d.a. knows who killed their son and the police know who killed their son except for no witnesses. what do we do? i'm just asking for justice for my child. you have all of the names. i need something done and i know that it sounds redundant and i keep repeating this but something nodes to be done. >> the tip line is... any other public comment? general public comment? okay, seeing none, public comment is closed. next item, please. >> clerk: line item 7, public comment on all matters pertaining to item 9 below, closed session, includin