these three individuals, james chaney, andrew goodman and michael schwerner, their blood was spilled and it became part of a wave of change that swept our country. toward civil rights. others also sacrificed a lot for those efforts. it's fitting this that this building will be named for them. it will be a memorial. not only for them, for their sacrifice, and for those others who sacrificed as well. but also a reminder as to how far we've come from that sad day and those sad days in 1964. these three gentlemen gave their lives, it was not in vain. we've seen the changes ever since. so again, i think this is a fitting memorial and a fitting reminder for all of us as to the sacrifices of that -- that many have made and to how far we have come. with that, mr. speaker, i would reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves. the gentleman from virginia. mr. perriello: i yield such time as he may consume to the gentleman from mississippi, mr. thompson, the author of the bill. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. thompson: thank you very