andrew hague you know. former u.s. army sergeant, he's got an excellent combat record, aggressive, eager to please, seems to be overconfident. might be a glory seeker. highly questionable. john saimes, your friendly adversary this morning. a five letter man at minneapolis. former naval intelligence officer, excellent leadership qualities, one major weakness, women. however, good record. i have bad news for you, mr. cutter. well, that's just about the only news i've been getting here lately, mr. waverly. i've just received this directive from our security committee. the last paragraph may interest you. unless the crisis of the survival school is resolved before the forthcoming graduation, the entire class is to be dismissed you'd close the school, punish the entire class because of one member? that one member is obviously working for thrush. mr. waverly, we're doing everything we can. that apparently isn't enough. even the undercover agent you requested has failed to turn up any substantial information. i will contact t