holmes and put him under a 72 hour psychiatric hold. widow is also seeing the university of colorado, university spokesman says the university believes the lawsuit is not well founded legally or factually. andrewano joins us now. great to see you. is it legally founded? >> i don't know if it's factually founded but it is legally frivolous to sue a psychiatrist in colorado and, indeed, in most cases because the psychiatrist declined to admit the patient. >> it causes them to believe the patient is in immediate threat to his own life or the life of others. so they go to the patient's psychiatrist, will you sign this affidavit which will ask the judge to arrest him. if they say yes, then they need another psychiatrist, you have to have two, then he can be arrested not for a crime but because he is dangerous to himself and others and he can be expected for three days and the judge can decide whether to let him go. just because the first psychiatrist said no, was not for the police to asking. and flip of this, doctor's patient should be incarcerated is protected from liability as long as there was a professional judgment, if she honestly thought he wasn't a danger to himself and others, even though