andrew levy? >> i disagree and i'm sorry she had to go through that . my university is a primarily white institution and i would choose not to isolate persons of color in that way. there is social science, the book teaches better and more interracial environments. older students, i am so sorry for your daughter. if i can say anything, she is not the only person who has testified in that way over the last four or five decades. >> jocelyn chadwick ? >> i think part of the issue, teachers do not know how to approach these texts. they do not know what resources there are for them. they do not know how to address students. as i just said, i was the only african-american english teacher, a predominately white school, in many of my classes i was the only african-american english major. i get that. not saying the teacher was right, because i disagree with it, one of the issues, we are working on a new book now, how do we help teachers understand how to teach critical texts, in this case, mark twain. for m