it's andrew nolan. did you see where he went?hrough the storage room and straight out the back. why would andrew nolan be on the run? about to ask you the same question. this is one-40 sam. we're looking for andrew nolan. he's armed and possibly on foot. get me air units out here right now! oh, man. hey. go ahead. (clicking) you think i'm stupid enough to give you a loaded gun? she needs this. now. my money first. here. here. what is this, man? what? tens, twenties? there's less than two grand here. i-i... i promise i'll get all of it somehow. i will. just-just give my wife her medicine. duarte: huh? she wants her medicine? you want your medicine? huh? huh? (chuckles) (gulping loudly) (whimpering) (siren blaring) you brought the cops on us. i-i can get you out of here. how? by plane. i can fly you anywhere you want to go-- cuba, the bahamas. you have a plane? what about the sob story about you paying your bills? it belongs to my former company. the guys at the airfield might not know i was laid off. take me to that plane. she can