on the left is andrew nugent. things during that period were never as simple as we thought they were. andrew jean nugent was a slave owner. he was a constitutional unionist. he lived in the burnt district. during the civil war, he fought for the union, he lived in kansas city, and he represented jackson county when the drake constitution was drawn up early in 1865. andrew nugent signed the missouri ordinance that freed all the slaves in the state of missouri. on july 4, 1865, andrew nugent addressed here in kansas city all of the new freedman who were celebrating their first independence day as free citizens of the united states. while andrew nugent was living in western missouri, he was a friend of the gentleman in the right picture, the reverend major abner dean in jail. you are very familiar with a painting about order number 11 by george caleb bingham. bingham also painted this picture of major dean in jail, because abner dean refused to take the oath. he was put in jail in jackson county. abner dean and men li