this is andrew rabinovich and irina strigo opposing the department of building inspection. this is for 157 marview way. this is appealing the issuance of march 6, 2019, to andrew rabinovich of an alteration permit to memorialise the replacement of the exterior facade from existing siding and also replacement of the garage door with new glass roll-up garage door. >> so the subject permit that is before you for 157 marview way is the result of an enforcement action for work on the facade that was done without benefit of the permit and the permit is attempting to correct that. i won't go into full consideration of the board's calendar, but we have reached a compromise agreement on a project that may move forward. i have them in a green folder and i think we have copies for all members. the changes to the facade, we would allow for the wood siding that has been installed to remain, for a garage alteration to occur change in materials and glazing to occur, and also window replacement in line with what they've outlined in the plans here. there was also some other details that wer