andrew johnson's impeachment. my primary work will be thomas dixon's "the politics of popular portrayals of andrew johnson's impeachment" one, john f. kennedy's "profiles in courage". my thesis is, that these works portray a radical reconstruction , and reinforce the once highly held belief that although clinical factors inevitably influenced impeachment, under high crimes and misdemeanors, should occur only if there's been a legal transgression threatening the welfare of the republic. let's start with the 23. is me if you know, was a pulitzer prize winner 1957. with sketches of senators with personal cost, over partisan politics. there's one chapter on johnson's impeachment which is most of you know failed by conviction by just one vote. these are the illustrations kennedy has for this chapter. it lasted almost 2 months. and here is a cartoon of the senate chamber with the trial going on. edmund is kennedy's hero, this scanned the senator who sacrificed his career, and delivered a decisive vote to stave off conviction after johnson's impeachment on trumped up charges by fellow republicans. the filling his sworn duty to follow the law, rather than been to pressure, he preserves the constitutional balance of power by keeping the presidents from becoming subservient to the legislative will. doing so he performed what one historian called the most heroic act in american history incomparably more difficult than any deed of valor upon the field of battle. in fact it was so valorous that he wrote his own account of the impeachment which you can still buy. this is a really nice story. of courage. bus, unquestionably accepting self-aggrandizing accounts kennedy ignored compelling is not certain evidence that the senator remained undecided to the last minute, because he was shopping his boat around for the highest bidder. although there was no indication that kennedy intentionally distorted the facts, there was ample political modification for him to highlight this alleged refusal to bow to political pressure. kennedy of course, then senator kennedy, in 1957, at presidential ambitions. brown versus board of education he was aware that massachusetts would eventually need support to procure the democratic nomination. in 1957 it is important to remember, many americans consider johnson a hero. through kennedy. truman carrying out a family can's policies reconciliation with the defeated south, seeking to bind up the wounds of the nation and treat the south with mercy and fairness. johnson face the extremists in congress could already, those radicals passed legislation to administer the downtrodden southern states as conquered provinces. bill after bill was passed, was vetoed, on the grounds that they were unconstitutional, too harsh in the treatment of the south, or an unnecessary promulgation of military rule. with the authority of the executive branch. those bills included company go back, 1866 civil rights act, which gave african-americans citizenship and basic economic rights, an extension of the freedoms. on the reconstruction act of 1867. they were of course always unfair to the south. is no accident that the villains in his best-selling portrayal, massachusetts own benjamin butler and charles sumner. described by kennedy respectively as the butcher of new orleans, and the south most in likable enemy who helped to make the reconstruction. a black nightmare the south would never forget. is a tax on these northerners, he assured some letters that this massachusetts politician could be trusted. and to add more to the politics of the time, if you can avert for a moment your eye away from the fact that this only cost $.35, this addition, you might not be able to see this, the full addition written by this historian, alan evans was a pulitzer prize winning historian and he was not only he wrote the forward for the inaugural edition, he was the chairman of and he read the manuscript to make sure it was historically accurate. for him, this is what he has to say about reconstruction. it was a time of profligate debasement, when the back of the upper hand in congress. johnson was partly broken, sumner in contrast was an example of the false kind of courage that grew out of abolitionist fanaticism. this is just a sideline. unfortunately, foreign policy, this guy who had this reconstruction, is so influential with grants by the first today. that was a sidelight. the race is novel by thomas dixon, "the clansman" , it omits the impeachment trial. but "the clansman" does kits for trail of the trial has similarity to profiles in courage, employing dramatic flair to tell the story of heroism. is not surprising because dixon relies on kennedy sources. he does have a somewhat different focus than kennedy. dixon lion ices law but he focuses on the character, thaddeus stevens, african- american rights was threatening the foundation of the public. this is how thaddeus stevens is illustrating, "the clansman" , of course, lincoln. stevens was so sick yet to allow butler to take over as the lead prosecutor and could not finish the one speech he tried to give. this needed a villain. what a lot of mistress it was a prime architect of the black plague of reconstruction. for kennedy it was the black nightmare. now to the film. 9042, tennessee johnson, obviously, johnson is played by van heflin who just won an oscar. and the film acknowledges that its medium requires taking certain liberties. for instance, even though johnson did not appear at his own trial, in the film he comes in and gives a stirring defense. the film produces drama, by pitting johnson again stevens, displayed in a wheelchair by lionel barrymore who is perfectly cast after just having played a villain in it's a wonderful life. and the screenwriter had written the screenplay, for frankenstein. he was good at creating monsters. these are the three different works, they lost the similarities. but there are different states that they have the portrayals. for kennedy, but was at stake was the checks and balances of government. the independence of the executive office as a coordinate branch of government was on trial. dixon, agreed with that. this is a chapter called the supreme test. he says almost exactly the same as kennedy, the partisan majority in congress and remove the executive and defy the spring court, the ability to make decisions without an in. the equality was in. the real supreme question was, will the u.s. remain a white republic? in the film, it also wants to rally support for the war effort. by stressing natural unity. how did he do that? it portrays an illiterate, johnson coming from north carolina, he learns how to read and write, becomes a spokesman for poor whites. and the poor whites would be, his hero was tennessee democrat andrew jackson and he opposed lincoln in 1860. his love of the union made him loyal even when tennessee seceded causing lincoln to choose him as vice president in 1864. was president, he is committed to following lincoln's policies, rather than stevens average end, confiscation, suspension present this branch has been. you can see, or two, you're going to have, in times of crisis and war, you need to have north and south reconcile. and you need to have jacksonian democrats and ligonier republicans getting together. of course african-americans were needed for the war effort to. their plight is appropriated to bolster the films appeal to poor whites. the very first scene, johnson, runaway apprentice, fugitive, is a shekel in his life. and he is have that cut off. so he's the fugitive, shekel on the leg, if the poor white. he keeps a shekel all of his life. and then when stevens comes in, when is president and offers to help them, i'll help you when the next election, if you support radical rec