joining us are andrew andrew wilson who is with next level direction and nancy ware is with charlie whitaker is president of career path d.c. which helps returning citizens find jobs and careers. welcome all of you to our program this morning. andrew, i would like to begin with you. you became a returning citizen in 2012. tell us the story of the path from incarceration to owning your own business well. well, first, after being released in january of 2012 i had a quick rebout with substance abuse and theft crime and what ultimately happened i was homeless and on my way to get something to eat one morning. suicide became the best option, but i knew deep down inside me it wasn't an option so it was at that moment that really turned the tide and i went to go seek some help out and i got help. charlie whitaker from previous employment as well as at career path and when i approached him about, you know, if you've got a position, fine, if not, you know, i still -- i still like you, you're my friend. we're friend and when we brought me on, he brought me on as a volunteer that lasted a couple of day