wilson. all the more so sentence brand common perceptions in that era. let me give you one example of an opposite perspective of this relationship. some years earlier, the scottish american steel baron andrew carney guilty published an essay which he advocated at lane for the reunification of britain and north america. that essay, he wondered why a mere disagreement over taxation, one that was already a century old, should result in a permanent separation. and that essay, colonel offered six arguments from his reunion of britain and america. the first arguments, and the most important in his view, was about race. i quote hear from him. first, in race, and there is a great deal in race. america remains to be forced purely british. he added that there is a mixture of german, but that too is german. the american's main british remaining less different than the scottish, walls, and irishman differ from each other. it is to be noted that only in the region of political ideas they're similarity for no rupture has ever taken place in language, literature, religion, or law. if we compare these two viewpoints, carney on one hand and wilson on the other. the difference is striking. american and brit