and finally what happens when we send bill out to interview andrew wk after he drums for 24 straight hours? hopefully the rock star has enough strength to pick him up by the throat and disembowel bill. wrap it around his throat and choke the life out of him, greg? >> just one corrections. >> what? >> 24 feet. >> i think you are wrong there. >> well, we will -- why don't we cut bill open and find out? >> capital idea. >> exactly. a human piniata, let's welcome, our fox news contributor -- do not do that to the people. and if comedy was a piece of dough, italians would pound him black and blue. in kansas, he is a dart board and i would ride him with a friend in the park, sitting next to me tucker ca eer carlson, anr and chief of the -- the lede, that's the first story. i think i speak for america when i say, what else is on? >> wow. >> whoa. >> wow, was his fit legitimate? well, alec baldwin was miffed when his wife was accused of tweeting during james gandolfini's funeral. >> and he said i'm go -- if put my foot up your blooep, george stark, but you would enjoy it too much. >> he clai