as miss shulman called them the smaller on theser organizations and i think that jeff jones and andrew wood, and other arts advocates point out that 57 percent of the population are under served and people of color and if you add on to that, women and lgbt communities it is larger and the grants for the arts funding has not kept up with the growth of the diversity of the city and seeing some stronger out comes and stronger goals towards that is hopefully will be the goal of the july 7th, and the july 16th hearing, anddy want to also say that in looking at the budget of grants for the arts with our city administrator, and miss shulman and others, and it looks like, 191,711 dollars is additional money that has not been spent, but it is also money that does not take away from the existing allocations. and my motion today, will be that we allocate that money towards cultural equity and i was going to ask mr. bacowsky from the city administrator office to verify that is unallocated amount of money and what are your suggestions for allocating this towards cultural equity. >> thank you, deputy, ci