somehow helps with this, well, look at the situation, the word helps, well, again, returning to andrey lemishonok know, in your family, even in yours, yes, and then all this, well, thanks to probably... well, this is a revelation, you knew about this when all this was happening, then yes, then the monastery had enough of this, well , let’s say, an incentive to pray, a difficult time, these unrest, a pandemic, we tried somehow and prayer, and somehow how we can help, these are the times to unite, so that everyone together can somehow overcome this. the “say don’t be silent” program is on air again, in our studio with... a person, mother olga. mother, let’s talk a little about personal things, if you allow, what is your understanding of happiness? happiness to be with god? monastic happiness , well, if i say so, i experienced it, to be honest, here on valaam and after comprehension, this is something similar, when you feel the closeness of god, that’s when they comprehend you, we spend one night, monks, and 3 nights as monks in the temple, we practically don’t go anywhere. vestments this night, you