andrey vaivets, the head of the tuning studio, together with him we will conduct an covered with thermal film, there is no film on this car. nastya, you take the wheel, now we’ll compare which interior will cool faster. we note the time, climate control is at 22° and full airflow, let's go, through the film, the sun is not so hot, which significantly increases the comfort of investment. after 15 minutes, the temperature in the car interior, covered with thermal film , is 22°. quite comfortable. the air in a car with non-thermal film on the windows cools down more slowly. 22°a only 20 minutes after the start of the experiment. the difference, although not sensational, but still there. now let’s check whether the literal film is capable of keeping cool. we park our cars in the sun. the temperature in the cabin is +22, we close it and note the time. half an hour later. in the car interior covered with athermal +36, in a car without film - 40. the largest surface of the car is the roof, and its heating cannot be stopped, so athermal film on the windows can only slow do