among them was the journalist of the espresso website, andriana stakhiv. she was 23 years old then. in the evening of the 29th, there was a moment when it was all going to stop and nothing. then it won't happen, when we already thought in principle going back there to the square, since there was nothing, no traffic, we saw that some very active movement was starting there, and such an unhealthy movement. at four o'clock in the morning, police units surrounded the peaceful rally and began the so-called clean-up, they used tear gas and rubber bands on unarmed people, the demonstrators were actually thrown out of the corridor from the police, when all the activists were outside the maidan, the berkutovs did not stop their actions, among the people, until things among us, actually at that moment there was a priest who began to read prayer, they chased away both that priest and us, and i was still trying to call my editor, and at the moment when i just told her, two words hit us, they knocked the phone out of my hands and it flew into pieces. at that time, mykhailivskyi zolotoverch and t