hear it, but when there was light, i could hear it where i live on a spider's web , according to andrii gudima, during the police blackout, they will defend themselves to god and the detachment throughout the entire territory of the kharkiv region, because of the war, 30 bridges were destroyed are gradually being restored and at the same time the road workers use know-how in the event of a repeated attack, they lay the possibility of destruction, my colleague hanna silaeva learned about this from the head of the highway service of the kharkiv region, andriy alekseyev , about it. they joked about the worst of our roads, that they are like after the bombing, now it's not hot anymore. yes , it's not hot anymore because the roads after the bombing look very depressing, believe me to me, they are a real danger to drivers because there are serious potholes. and by the way, we did everything so that drivers moving to the city of kharkiv near the city of kharkiv on the ring road of the city of kharkiv did not notice it as much as possible. that is, we worked even when the enemy was nearby from the rin