[applause] >> andro linklater is the author of measuring america and the fabric of america. find out more. visit walkerbooks.com and search andro linklater. >>> john maxwell hamilton come at louisiana state university and former correspondent you have written a new book called journalism's roving of the eye. why don't you tell about your own journalism first. this is a history of foreign reporting. when did americans go outside their borders and start reporting from foreign countries? >> how americans actually going abroad in an organized and consistent way didn't happen until the end of the 19th century. but as i make the case in this book american for and reporting began really in the colonial period. in fact that is the high point of american -- for news and american papers. there were not foreign correspondents, there were journalists but people that wrote letters home and colonial printers ran down to the ports of returning ships came in and they took newspapers off the ships and reprinted the stories abroad. so foreign news reporting goes back a long way. but the ide