really andrusha, let's leave it till tomorrow. it's time to go to bed. i only want to say one thing then i'll go, in a moment. first of all you've got something against my wife, against natasha. i've always been conscious of it from the day we got married. natasha is a fine woman. she's honest, straightforward and high-principled. that's my opinion. i love and respect my wife. do you understand that i respect her and i expect others to respect her too? i repeat, she's an honest, high-principled woman and all your grievances against her if you don't mind my saying so are just imagination and nothing more. secondly, you seem to be annoyed with me for not making myself a professor and not doing any academic work, but i'm working in the council office, i'm a member of the county council and i feel that my service there is just as fine and valuable as any academic work i might do. i'm a member of the county council and if you want to know i'm proud of it. thirdly, there's something else i must tell you. i know i mortgaged the house without asking your permiss