see a growinge worldwide movement toward oligarchy andsm, kleptocracy. hand, we see a growing movement toward strengthening democracy. toward respecting every city. fighting for yellow tammy , economic, social, racial and environmental justice. consequences has for the entire future of the planet. this ends when we speak about climate change environmentally. i ask you to take a look with me about where we are today in terms of the local economy. see massive growing disparity on income wealth and inequality. the world's top 1% own more 99lth than the bottom percent. 1%, 99%. a small number of huge wall street and international financial institutions exert enormous impact. further and importantly, many people in industrialized countries are questioning whether democracy can actually deliver for them. they look at their lives and what is going on in their families and they find hourslves working longer for lower wages than they used to. they are falling further and further behind economically. in countries around the world, certainly in the united states, t