. >> there aremany, i was talking to my friend andy gomez, former university of miami professor recently spoken to the head of the ladies in white, antonio, another very brave dishe dent and i said who else do you think cospeak to and andy said in an e-mail, oh, there may be 11 million repressed people e at he wants to speak to. so the question, patty, reaeay becomes in some ways, does mr. obama speak to them privately in a public setting, in a large group with otherintellectuals and leaders in cuba that the government wants. all these questions are open. >> that was part of the issue when kerry went over there to open the embassy, that you know, that he met with some of themprivately and whether that was enough. the white house said back on fridayno, of course the president will meet with whoafer he wants. but by this point the story of kerry not traveling traveling in advance to cuba was a problem. and you her them say friday night, we report this, that they are sending the deputy national security advisor, ben rodes who was one of the architects of this deal, to leaders, and it's like