andy, no offer. 17-3 and hugh jackson said what are you doing? go after him! he was sacked five times and winston, 259 yards passing. finally, a moment, nice toss to gordon. what a grab. 43-yard touchdown. that's 27-10. browns lose 30-13. now to the good news. indians need cory to step up and he did. the three-game losing streak is indians beat the rangers. offense is alive again. an rbi double puts them on the board. and he doubles to deep center, and he comes home. 6 innings allows five hits and 7 strike outs. for good measure, he wasn't done. two teams tomorrow. angels at the tigers, justin upton, they win 4-2, they remain 4.5 back of the indians. >>> game changes, brought to you by ohio university. >> high school football is back, week number one, let's check in on two games on the east we start with game changers. remember mitch? now he's a junior quarterback at north carolina. he has two boston the team this year. the offense rolling early, he goes in for the two yards. tigers answer on their first play. blakeenship goes deep, 73 later, look at that. gone. 78 yards, and that's how you do it on game changer friday night. they go onto win 57-31. he's