andy hartwill, market strategist at quasar is also with us. we got your thoughts, andy, on goldman, saying that was the case to bring back steagall. joe, we're waking up money morning and looking at a flurry of e-mails that came in, specifically one from blankfein that contradicts what he had said, that they had lost money and now out saying of course they didn't dodge the mortgage mess, we lost money and then we made more money because of the short. what are we supposed to make of that? >> obviously they had different trades at different times, some of which made money, obviously on net. especially in 2008 they lost a ton of money relating to housing mortgages. i think what the bottom line that the e-mails showed is people in the course of doing business write e-mails. sometimes they regret them, especially if they come out and there happens to be a crisis and their company is blamed for having a role in the crisis, the e-mails look very bad. >> well, yeah, they look really bad. let's look at one from fabrice tourre who says i managed to sell