andy hogan has suffered a traumatic brain injury. doctors had to remove the left side of his skull to relieve pressure. he hasn't woken for a month, doesn't respond to his parents. >> i don't know if he knows who i am. i don't know anything at this point, but i'm angry, especially hearing that really happened. >> i mean it is completely possible that andy will spend the rest of his days unable to go to the bathroom, shower, walk, talk, feel, touch. know the experience of life, to just live in a vegetative stage, occasionally opening his eyes. >> reporter: i have filed a public records act request for the radio traffic, the body cameras and surveillance video from the day that andy hogan suffered that terrible injury. i'll keep you up to date of course. larry, ama. >> hard to see. >> i was just wondering, i mean if her response was we're looking into it, why the need for the security staff to try to push you away? why not just do a simple interview? >> i called in advance, so she knew that i was asking questions. >> ye. >> that's a gr