and that's the challenge. >> woodruff: pew's andy kohut says one more factor when comparing age groups is race. >> there's a huge racial difference between young americans and older americans. only 59% of the so-called millennials, the younger people are white, nonhispanics. if you go to the older group and it's 90% white, nonhispanics. older people look at the changing face of america and say is this, all of these latinos and asians and immigrants and the way the country is changing a good thing? and a few of them, relatively few a say good thing. the younger people look at these changes and say of course it's a good thing. that's us. >> woodruff: maria says the growth of the latina population presents a political opportunity. >> the one thing that i will tell you will never help is the fearmongering that happens on behalf of the republican party. and frankly the tea party has been very engaged in this, where they talk about quote, unquote, illegals, where they talk about anchor babies, where they talk about electrifying the border fence even if it is a joke as herman cain mentions. >