still to come, the half time report from andy levey. he's a jerk. >> tonight's half time report is sponsored by sundays with my chimp. after going out hard on friday and saturday night, there is nothing like relaxing with your favorite chimp. thanks sundays with my chimp. >>> welcome back. let's find out if we have anything wrong so far. we will tease andy levey. a cocaine vaccine sounds amazing. what is next, a catnip vaccine for your felines? >> no, but i have resolved to completely ignore cat-themed or cat-related questions or comments. >> andy, your sensitivity to these cat openings is disturbing and it has even bothered our robots. jarks, run -- jack, run tape. >> what is his freaking problem with jokes with cats? >> maybe it hurts with the ladies. >> he is so thin skinked. no wonder he is single. >> he is afraid of intimacy, commitment, but apparently not cat dander. >> who ever colored his hair did a good job. >> i agree. let's make out. >> cocaine vaccine doesn't stop users from wanting the drug. greg, the vaccine is supposed to