. -- so it is called violet violets.t smelled like if you are new at researching cosmetics andy reid violet -- and you read violet powders and you order violet, that is why it is not smell good. i learned, they do not actually mean violets, it has the root in it and it just smells that way. and you have other options with make --es, like a nut nutmeg, cinnamon and close. -- vcloves. and the way you delivered the perfumes could be in and out of base or in like what we could consider a lotion. they called it something different. which is oilay -- and wax based. you could make perfumes into pastels to put in your mouth. we would consider it a lost engine to sweeten -- lozenge to sweeten your breath or you could use them to perfume the room. and with preparations, you have to be careful. used thatd the acids you want to stay away from, some with preparation were ok. the ones that are gently abrasive powders, keyword is gentle. they used cuttlefish bone, root,al, resin, and orris and chock. -- chalk. many preparations call for honey to make it into a paste, but of course that kind of defeats the