what was it like working for andy rubin? i worked for a few really amazing executives and mentors and then of course andy, one of the most brilliant in tech ever, a man so incredibly knowledgeable, and whose intuition about technology, thinking years and years ahead. i was lucky to be in the right place at the right time. emily: how did you come across this company called xiaomi? hugo: it was started, by the two primary founders of a team of eight founders. then ben was a colleague of mine. at google. and then he left to do something ballsy and new. i tracked all of that very closely. it wasn't until a couple of years that he came to visit us at mountainview and brought their second-generation devices. it was when i powered the device on and played with it the first time that it dawned on me those guys were not joking around. emily: tell me your first meeting. hugo: our first meeting was a four-hour meeting which tends to be the case. very deep, involved discussions. he is that kind of guy. it was a dinner in beijing in late