andye, e's ju to wrynd tnkboutha you carry along with you than on tour -- >> she's at the art institute in chicago now? >> uh-huh. >> yeah? she's a chip off the old block. art school, art school, right? >> yeah, she's -- i think she's going to have a much more straightforward career path. >> what does she want to do? >> be a painter. >> yeah. >> yeah. >> pretty good. >> yeah. '94 was significant in this book because you talk about it in two different ways. coco was born and also kurt cobain died. he is also a really interesting character in this book. and the story of kurt cobain and nirvana is told here, in a very personal way by you, different from what i've read before. what did you see in him and them? what gave you a sense that they were going to be something? >> well, they had these great songs, for one thing, that were almost like, i even think of them as, like, sculptural in their sort of minimal aspect of, like, the rhythm section. and, but, i don't know. just that kurt, he wasn't performing in the sense of entertainment, you know, or his idea of entertainment. you know, he was