aneesh chopra the nation's former chief technology officer and author of "innovative state" and joinsthis morning. nice to see you. >> thanks for having me. >> your take away on the president's words and whether they are strong enough to spur real action in washington on this issue? >> i absolutely believe that. if you take a look at the challenges that we face in responding to the cyber threat, one of the key factors is how do we bring the private sector in, collaborating with the public sector, to identify those common threats and deal with them? the challenge has been the legal framework. how do private companies share data with the government, without taking on additional risk or liability? and so the president affirmed his 2011 proposal that said, we should basically make the trade, bring in information on cyber threats, protect personally identifiable information, and in exchange, provide some targeted liability protection. in addition to the ideas he put forward in 2011, he went a little further to say, companies can now work with each other and potentially get that same liabil