anetta says: "the guaranteed resultsswill be conffontatiin, gridlock, and a &pgreater likelihood of sequesterinns or cut spending such as last year's the super committee itself couldn'' agree to enough s - reduccions as paat of last august's deet ceiling increase. says the automatic cuts will - happen if lawmakers are unable to reach agreement again. reid says: "if we don't make ttose hoices - then there'' going to be 600 billioo dollar cut in he military, and i aa ot about to walk the away from that agreeeent." democrats say any plan should include raising taxes which woulln't pass tte houss and that in thhs enate. election ear ii why panetta and the pentagon are so nervous. 3 3 like a fine inn or fresh beef jerky, she nly gets better with age. why everyone's favorite fake &pbaker is facing tan bann it's a dog collar used how this siiple, plastic ccne cost one teacher her job. 3 3 3 the... new / looks like...// burnt... toast...// áábeefáá jerky...// ááandáá... a... &pcharreddweiner/...// on the...// barbii...// will...have to find... a... ew hobby. patricca krentcil.../ has been banned... f