i don't have hard feelings against anybody including ang angelton but the kicker was he said you go back and tell them i will never forget what they did. >> host: and that introduces you to the spy world and the characters that were different than other agencies you have worked for. let me ask you about iran-contra in which north was running his own shop with the help of some cia folks and exchanging arms from iran. >> guest: selling them. >> host: selling them to the contras in central america. and you had an important role, all of a sudden, in the hearings that were taking place on capital hill where the legislator was trying to figure out what happened and mow how this happen. >> reporter: this was 1987 and it has been ten years since sanko. i had acquired some experience. and i was put in charge of dealing with the iran-contra committee which was this huge washington scandal theater with televi televised hearing gavel to gavel. and i was the guy who had to be the focal point to deal with documents provided, questions they had, or witnesses from cia they wanted to have testify. so i w