. >> stephen gebshrel, ali gashan, ang ho. >> i am a taxi driver for five years. electronic waybills -- systems go down. credit card systems go down. there will be no taxes service. that system could go down for days. nobody has mentioned it. why do you have to track everything we do? that is all i have to say. i will do what everybody else tries to have me do. >> pilar tileg, aieli gashan, mohammad offshart, eng ho. >> my name is padavid pasada. my comment is this. this is capitalism at its worst. look at the faces of the people who have spoken here. can you imagine if they say to their homeland that capitalism is not being practiced by san francisco? they come from all over the continent of africa, the middle east, india, south america. these people will cry out to their homeland, telling their relatives and friends that capitalism does not exist in san francisco. i am an action man. this is a hard-earned dollar. i am donating $20 to my mother. [applause] >> mohamad offshart, eng ho, rashad ahmed. >> good afternoon. i have been driving taxis about 15 years. as i