other papers are taking an ang le at the aviation industry as a whole and what a year it has been having. >> it has been horrific. >> the "business insider" in the u.k. says there have been very few crashes. there is a high death toll linked to those crashes. they are saying that, if we factor in this particular incident as a crash, it will be the worst year for aviation since 2005, approaching 1000 deaths. the malaysian airlines had two major disasters airasia malaysia-based. the whole of southeastern asia is feeling the horror of this problem. >> let's talk about what has been making headlines here in france. >> also, a transport chaos and nightmare story, happily not the kind of scale we are seeing in southeast asia. they got snow over the weekend in the french alps, surprise, surprise. >> is this a big surprise at this time of year? surely, authorities would be aware we are having snow? >> the french press are all over this. it felt very heavily on saturday. "yes, it is a nightmare, but why all this chaos?" it quotes the transport ministry, saying there was a collective behavior prob