remember -- granted there is yet to be a movie that won best picture that didn't have a white director, ang lee also won two best director -- >> true but his filming didn't win. bill, box office what influence does that have? in >> i think this is what they are talking about at the academy tonight. they expanded the best picture race because move i haves were getting nominated that weren't making any money. they expanded it to ten they wanted big-budget movies. the average take was very low, it was $65 million. if gravity wasn't in if there, it would have been a lot lower than that. in the last few years we have seen the lowest grossing best picture of all times. if 12 years a slave wins, that will be another one. but i think it's more evidence that the academy is taking movies more and more seriously. in a movie like 12 years a slave, an extraordinary movie, it's odds on to win the major awards, and we're still complaining that this movie fruitville station didn't get nominated for best picture, when 12 years ago it would have been unthinkable that 12 years a slave would be up for best picture