Mar 2, 2013
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angela. angela, no llores. raquel, no comprendo.do que él quería olvidar. eso sí lo entiendo. pero, ¿por qué nunca confió en nosotros? eso no lo sé. debemos llevar esto a méxico para mostrárselo a don fernando. ¿no crees? también se lo podemos mostrar a arturo. le gustará verlo. sí. ilaura! muchas gracias por todo. gracias a ud. hasta luego. hasta luego. ilaura! ( en v baja ): la caja... bueno. esta mañana, fuimos al taller a recoger el carro. ¿estaba listo el carro cuando llegamos? sí, el carro estaba listo. ¿y cómo estaba angela? ¿estaba muy contenta o estaba furiosa? ¿por qué siempre me pasan estas cosas a mí? angela, no es para tanto. vamos. raquel: exacto. angela estaba furiosa. bueno. cuando llegamos a san germán dolores nos recibió en la casa. ¿dónde estaba la abuela? ¿estaba en la iglesia en el mercado o en el patio? en el nombre del padre, del hijo y del espíritu... raquel: estaba en la iglesia. dolores nos recibió porque la abuela estaba en la iglesia. entonces, angela, laura y yo fuimos a la iglesia. iay, por fin llegaron
angela. angela, no llores. raquel, no comprendo.do que él quería olvidar. eso sí lo entiendo. pero, ¿por qué nunca confió en nosotros? eso no lo sé. debemos llevar esto a méxico para mostrárselo a don fernando. ¿no crees? también se lo podemos mostrar a arturo. le gustará verlo. sí. ilaura! muchas gracias por todo. gracias a ud. hasta luego. hasta luego. ilaura! ( en v baja ): la caja... bueno. esta mañana, fuimos al taller a recoger el carro. ¿estaba listo el carro cuando...
Mar 8, 2013
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ay, angela, ¿laura comió? por supuesto. siempre tiene hambre esa chica. angela: ilaura! iay!a el pueblo. después, mi mamá se enfermó y yo me quedé con mi abuela a cuidarla. carmen: el padre de angela venía todos los fines de semana hasta que murió mi hija. luego, dejó de ven. fue una época muy triste. sabes, angela, tú y tu hermano nunca limpiaron el cuarto de tu padre. ay, lo sé, abuela pero está tan desordenado. pues, allí habrá cosas de tu padre. ¿quieres mirar? ¿tú quieres? quizá haya algo importante. posiblemente. pero vamos, que es tarde. pues, vamos. este era el baúl de mi padre. ¿qué es eso? son unas hojas. es la letra de mi padre. "recuerdos." "mi madre me contaba "de los horrores de la guerra civil. "mi padre murió... y yo nunca lo conocí". "estos son recuerdos de mi dura infancia". "el mar. la primera vez que vi el mar fue en ruta a la argentina". "este es mi hermano arturo "o por lo menos, el recuerdo de él. "nos llevábamos como perros y gatos. "me gustaría verlo otra vez. "pero es imposible. es muy tarde". "mi madre, icuánto la extraño! a veces siento su presenci
ay, angela, ¿laura comió? por supuesto. siempre tiene hambre esa chica. angela: ilaura! iay!a el pueblo. después, mi mamá se enfermó y yo me quedé con mi abuela a cuidarla. carmen: el padre de angela venía todos los fines de semana hasta que murió mi hija. luego, dejó de ven. fue una época muy triste. sabes, angela, tú y tu hermano nunca limpiaron el cuarto de tu padre. ay, lo sé, abuela pero está tan desordenado. pues, allí habrá cosas de tu padre. ¿quieres mirar? ¿tú...
Mar 9, 2013
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en la casa de angela raquel supo que angela tenía un hermano, roberto.ía y ahora está en méxico trabajando en una excavación. ¿dónde están ahora raquel y angela? ¿y adónde van? es hora de saber, ¿no? raquel y angela salieron de san juan en un vuelo internacional. su destino era méxico uno de los países más grandes de la américa latina y vecino de los estados unidos. el vuelo de puerto rico a méxico duró dos horas. llegaron a la ciudad de méxico, capital del país. pero en la ciudad de méxico, alquilaron un carro y ahora van a un pequeño pueblo. en este pueblo, esperan encontrar a roberto el hermano de angela. roberto siempre quiso venir a méxico. se pasaba los días y las noches estudiando las civilizaciones prehispánicas. roberto y tú son muy unidos, ¿verdad? en puerto rico me decías siempre que tu hermano era un encanto. la verdad es que... pues, desde que se vino para méxico nos hemos alejado un poco. comprendo, con la distancia... no, no es por eso. es que... bueno, yo nunca le he dicho esto a nadie, raquel... y... pues... la verdad es que siempre le h
en la casa de angela raquel supo que angela tenía un hermano, roberto.ía y ahora está en méxico trabajando en una excavación. ¿dónde están ahora raquel y angela? ¿y adónde van? es hora de saber, ¿no? raquel y angela salieron de san juan en un vuelo internacional. su destino era méxico uno de los países más grandes de la américa latina y vecino de los estados unidos. el vuelo de puerto rico a méxico duró dos horas. llegaron a la ciudad de méxico, capital del país. pero en la...
Mar 11, 2013
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, el hermano de angela.studiante de arqueología y hubo un accidente en la excavación donde él trabajaba. mientras raquel manejaba, angela hablaba de su hermano de lo estudioso que era y también de su relación con él. roberto y tú son muy unidos, ¿verdad? en puerto rico me decías siempre que tu hermano era un encanto. cuando llegaron al sitio de la excavación no pudieron pasar. el guardia les dijo que podían pedir información en el hospital del pueblo. ha habido un accidente. no se puede pasar. por favor, señor, el hermano de ella estaba en la excavación. no sabemos lo que le ha pasado. en ese caso, deben ir al pueblo. por allá, a no más de quince minutos. en el hospital le dan información a todos los familiares. mientras raquel y angela buscaban a roberto arturo llegó al hotel en la ciudad de méxico. allí preguntó por raquel. la señorita raquel rodríguez ¿se ha registrado? rodríguez... no. a ver. sí, hay una reservación pero ella no se ha presentado. iqué raro! ¿me permite el teléfono? por supuesto. arturo e
, el hermano de angela.studiante de arqueología y hubo un accidente en la excavación donde él trabajaba. mientras raquel manejaba, angela hablaba de su hermano de lo estudioso que era y también de su relación con él. roberto y tú son muy unidos, ¿verdad? en puerto rico me decías siempre que tu hermano era un encanto. cuando llegaron al sitio de la excavación no pudieron pasar. el guardia les dijo que podían pedir información en el hospital del pueblo. ha habido un accidente. no se...
Mar 24, 2013
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to angela, that was merely semantics. the housekeeper, she thought was in fact a servant, and that made her acutely uncomfortable. between the community's bafflement about how to deal with this newcomer and angela's shyness and consciously wary stance toward her hosts, there was limited opportunities for meaningful connections, and she felt a constant sense of unease. she was not alone. such feelings of never knowing quite where one stood was shared to varying extents by the handful her fellow african-american schoolmates. so in the book i follow these three people, um, through their or unbelievably event-packed and dramatic lives. tom went to columbia where he played a part in the occupation of the school in the spring of 1968. he then moved to california where he was an activist and an organizer among other things in the g.i. movement which i i think is an underreported phenomenon in the annals of vietnam protest where people supported and organized the soldiers' growing dissent toward the war. it centered around g.i. c
to angela, that was merely semantics. the housekeeper, she thought was in fact a servant, and that made her acutely uncomfortable. between the community's bafflement about how to deal with this newcomer and angela's shyness and consciously wary stance toward her hosts, there was limited opportunities for meaningful connections, and she felt a constant sense of unease. she was not alone. such feelings of never knowing quite where one stood was shared to varying extents by the handful her fellow...
Mar 25, 2013
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davis, are you angela davis? one of them pulled a gun. moments before she realized her capture was eminent, an unexpected unexpected sense of koln. as she pictured the corpse on the hallway carpeting they brought her to the fbi headquarters on east 69th street where she was kept for several hours before driven downtown to the house of detention on sixth avenue and greenwich avenue. esf ten story building the jefferson library stands there now that loom over the town houses and the tenants of the village disoriented as she was coming angeles still recognized it. she had walked by countless times on her way as a teenager and vividly recalled the female inmates as they brought down courses from the jail. still handcuffed, angela was placed on a bench in the waiting room. as her eyes adjusted to the light she saw her image on the paper's lawyer under the words wanted by the fbi pity if that were not enough, directly next to it was a poster picturing her former classmate. >> i graduated from the late 1970's. my histor
davis, are you angela davis? one of them pulled a gun. moments before she realized her capture was eminent, an unexpected unexpected sense of koln. as she pictured the corpse on the hallway carpeting they brought her to the fbi headquarters on east 69th street where she was kept for several hours before driven downtown to the house of detention on sixth avenue and greenwich avenue. esf ten story building the jefferson library stands there now that loom over the town houses and the tenants of...
Mar 7, 2013
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raquel y angela han recibido malas noticias desde méxico.fectada por la sorpresa raquel recuerda y reflexiona sobre su investigación. uds. ya conocen la historia y la conversación entre los personajes ahora debe ser más fácil de comprender. ¿ya hablaron con héctor? no. ¿quién es? héctor: iangel! claro que lo recuerdo bien. era mi amigo. captioning of this program is made possible by the annenberg/cpb project and the geraldine r. dodge foundation. en el episodio previo raquel habla con jorge, el novio de angela. bueno, ¿qué te parece jorge? ¿te está tratando bien? pero jorge no le cae muy bien. raquel no le dice nada a angela en el momento y los tres van al paseo de diego en río piedras para hacer unas compras. raquel invita a angela a descansar en el hotel y jorge la acompaña. @w mientras jorge y angela nadan raquel habla con su mamá y con arturo. el día concluye con una discusión muy fuerte entre raquel y angela. al día siguiente, cuando están por salir para méxico reciben malas noticias. ¿qué pasó? su hermano tuvo un accidente en la excava
raquel y angela han recibido malas noticias desde méxico.fectada por la sorpresa raquel recuerda y reflexiona sobre su investigación. uds. ya conocen la historia y la conversación entre los personajes ahora debe ser más fácil de comprender. ¿ya hablaron con héctor? no. ¿quién es? héctor: iangel! claro que lo recuerdo bien. era mi amigo. captioning of this program is made possible by the annenberg/cpb project and the geraldine r. dodge foundation. en el episodio previo raquel habla con...
Mar 30, 2013
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disoriented as she was angela still recognized it. she had walked by it palestine's under way to the elizabeth apps as a teenager and visibly recalled the female inmates as they rained down curses in many window jails. in a grimy waiting rome, and she saw her image and the words wanted by the fbi. if that were not so really enough, directly next was a poster by a former classmate. i graduated from the bis in the 1970s. i wish my history teacher was here. i didn't have -- former classmates. i really had no sense of the history of the school at that point and it was only ten years later as alumni director that i began to appreciate the history of the school. my fascination with 1960s graduates began when i organized -- in 1961. and the first thing they did was in grand central station. and i realized -- a unique group of people. that is about all, i think you so much for coming. i think the corner bookstore for being a wonderful host. and to introduce me. and my editor, kathy and lisa is here. if you have any questions. and asked to ple
disoriented as she was angela still recognized it. she had walked by it palestine's under way to the elizabeth apps as a teenager and visibly recalled the female inmates as they rained down curses in many window jails. in a grimy waiting rome, and she saw her image and the words wanted by the fbi. if that were not so really enough, directly next was a poster by a former classmate. i graduated from the bis in the 1970s. i wish my history teacher was here. i didn't have -- former classmates. i...
Mar 22, 2013
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tavis: i want to go back to angela and talk about the mountain top plate. the last time i saw you, you were on broadway. antoine is talking, i want to go to something. this may be a little bit politically incorrect, and if you do not want to talk about it, we do not have to talk about it. when i started reading the commentary about it, seeing none harvey weinstein -- seeing what harvey weinstein and others said about it, thinking it was going to be a blockbuster, in my house, i applaud you. i literally applauded you. applauding you for your work in this film. i was applauding you for doing this bill and doing it at such a high level. for those of us in this town, there was a moment after "training day" when you wear at your apex. denzel washington wins the academy award under your direction for "training day." i am glad that he got the itpect that he deserves, but gets really ugly in the press. in this down starts blaming you and trashing you, and your name was mud in this down, and you survived that, and you are directing this blockbuster with other stuff
tavis: i want to go back to angela and talk about the mountain top plate. the last time i saw you, you were on broadway. antoine is talking, i want to go to something. this may be a little bit politically incorrect, and if you do not want to talk about it, we do not have to talk about it. when i started reading the commentary about it, seeing none harvey weinstein -- seeing what harvey weinstein and others said about it, thinking it was going to be a blockbuster, in my house, i applaud you. i...
Mar 31, 2013
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are you angela davis? one of them pulled a gun.moments before when angela realized that her cash was imminent, an unexpected sense of calm had possessed or. now the was a sickening moment of tear as she pictured her corpse sprawled and bleeding on the cheap hallway carpeting. a broader to the fbi headquarters on east 69th street, which is kept for several hours before being driven downtown to the women's house of detention on sixth avenue in greenwich avenue, a massive 10 story brick building, that jefferson liber stands there now, that loomed over the townhouses and tenements of greenwich village. disoriented as she was, angela still recognized it. she had walked by countless times on the way to elizabeth irwin as a teenager and vividly recall the den made by the female inmates as they rained down curses in place from the mini window jail. still handcuffed, angela was placed on a bench in a grimy waiting with room. as angel's eyes adjusted to the demott, she saw her image on a paper flyer under the words wanted by the fbi. if that
are you angela davis? one of them pulled a gun.moments before when angela realized that her cash was imminent, an unexpected sense of calm had possessed or. now the was a sickening moment of tear as she pictured her corpse sprawled and bleeding on the cheap hallway carpeting. a broader to the fbi headquarters on east 69th street, which is kept for several hours before being driven downtown to the women's house of detention on sixth avenue in greenwich avenue, a massive 10 story brick building,...
Mar 8, 2013
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angela marÍa y el padre de carolina asegura que gladys la madre de la niÑa se burlÓ a la justicia. >> el fallo la madre de la niÑa exigiÓ visitas autorizadas para su hija pero angela se negÓ, es el momento en que la entidad que protege con su partes yo quisiera ver con pensamientos en definitiva es la bocael lobo que es lo mejor yo prefiero no tocar la posiciÓn y propuso que esta fundaciÓn para saber si estaba en condiciones de ver a la mamÁ. ana marÍa comenzÓ a gritar y se puso a llorar y se quedÓ en silencio por esperar yos dÍas, le
angela marÍa y el padre de carolina asegura que gladys la madre de la niÑa se burlÓ a la justicia. >> el fallo la madre de la niÑa exigiÓ visitas autorizadas para su hija pero angela se negÓ, es el momento en que la entidad que protege con su partes yo quisiera ver con pensamientos en definitiva es la bocael lobo que es lo mejor yo prefiero no tocar la posiciÓn y propuso que esta fundaciÓn para saber si estaba en condiciones de ver a la mamÁ. ana marÍa comenzÓ a gritar y se...
Mar 2, 2013
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and angela, you bring up simpson-bowles.owles talked about cutting the exact loopholes that the president is talking about, corporate jets and storing your profits in the u.s. and overseas and on and on and republicans-- >> i'm up against the clock. >> and won't allow that conversation to happen. until that conversation is allowed to happen, i think that boehner's numbers are going to stay where they are. >> jamie: angela. >> and frankly almost double what the house's numbers are at 14%. >> jamie: quick response from angela, please. >> first thing boyehner has a diviid have the discussions during the fiscal cliff. it's obama as job to preserve, protect and defend this country and basically your party put politics over policy and that's why we're in the mess we're in today. >> jamie: all right, thank you guys so much. great to see both of you, steve and angela. >> thank you for having me. >> jamie: see you back here again soon. kelly. ♪ >> james brown is a music legends, an american icon and was able to thrill millions around
and angela, you bring up simpson-bowles.owles talked about cutting the exact loopholes that the president is talking about, corporate jets and storing your profits in the u.s. and overseas and on and on and republicans-- >> i'm up against the clock. >> and won't allow that conversation to happen. until that conversation is allowed to happen, i think that boehner's numbers are going to stay where they are. >> jamie: angela. >> and frankly almost double what the house's...
Mar 20, 2013
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. >> against this backdrop, the vote in cyprus is a true setback for chancellor angela merkel, just when she needed a victory with hard-hit eurozone economies contracting and german taxpayers nervous of the cost of bailouts. opposition parties are demanding the chancellor improve her track record. >> the fiscal cliffhanger in cyprus has turned into a major headache for angela merkel in her role as crisis manager. for many on the island, germany as part of the problem, but she points out that the troika is the negotiating partner for any bailout, not germany. >> politically, it is important that cyprus create a sustainable banking sector for the future. their current model is not sustainable. >> merkel also stressed that the eu had requested a levy on private accounts above 100,000 euros and not the 20,000 suggested by cyprus' government, but the german government says the cyprus debacle is covered in angela merkel's fingerprints and she must find a solution. >> the chancellor must make sure that the deal is struck which represents the interests of cyprus and stabilizes the european econo
. >> against this backdrop, the vote in cyprus is a true setback for chancellor angela merkel, just when she needed a victory with hard-hit eurozone economies contracting and german taxpayers nervous of the cost of bailouts. opposition parties are demanding the chancellor improve her track record. >> the fiscal cliffhanger in cyprus has turned into a major headache for angela merkel in her role as crisis manager. for many on the island, germany as part of the problem, but she points...
Mar 4, 2013
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. >> how is this in-your-face approach working, angela? >> well, rev, i think that you can really see -- you can see the fruit of his labor. right now, the president has held a very hard line to what he wanted to accomplish with the state of the union address. he was very clear about immigration. about gun control about what we need to do to rectify the state of the american economy. and therefore, he's telling the republicans, look, i have the american people on my side. i'm going to work very hard to ensure that these goals that i share with the american people are reached. i'm sure we have a strong chance of winning the 17 seats required to gain the house back in 2014. >> now, margie, angela used the term fruits of his labor. >> we have seen the tax bill actually get through. is this strategy beginning to work where he's been able to get some republicans by some assertive way to go with him and push things through. i think in addition to the election and the polls have really forced some republicans to recognize that the american people
. >> how is this in-your-face approach working, angela? >> well, rev, i think that you can really see -- you can see the fruit of his labor. right now, the president has held a very hard line to what he wanted to accomplish with the state of the union address. he was very clear about immigration. about gun control about what we need to do to rectify the state of the american economy. and therefore, he's telling the republicans, look, i have the american people on my side. i'm going...
Mar 30, 2013
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that you got angela davis. her voice throughout the film.at on her main school project. why did you decide to make sure you have captured us? >> because we're silenced. we're silenced in history. we were there. we were participating. so i want to hear our voice. it fortifies me as a woman and as a black person. i love america. i love american history. we were here. if you're not going to tell my story, i'm going to tell my story. i'm going to tell it in the way that i see it. >> telling our stories. i love this. and it's really important to support the film. there is tug where you can tug the movie to your local theater. yeah, you have to vote with your feet on this one. soming up, more on the question of political prisoners. there are more putting their lives on the line. what is really going on inside guantanamo. that's up next. doing laundry is classic problem solving. kids make stains i use tide boost to super charge our detergent. boom. clothes look amazing, and daddy's a hero. daddy, can we play ponies? right after we do foldies. tide
that you got angela davis. her voice throughout the film.at on her main school project. why did you decide to make sure you have captured us? >> because we're silenced. we're silenced in history. we were there. we were participating. so i want to hear our voice. it fortifies me as a woman and as a black person. i love america. i love american history. we were here. if you're not going to tell my story, i'm going to tell my story. i'm going to tell it in the way that i see it. >>...
Mar 29, 2013
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angela, let's go back to that interview with andrea mitchell and ben carson.ake a listen. >> you're talking about apples, oranges, peaches, but when you say that the well-established pillar of society, no group be they gays, be they nambla, which is the society for man, boy, love, which we're talking about pedophilia. so we're talking about something that is illegal. be they people who believe in bestiality. you are in the same sentence equating same-sex marriage with things that are illegal. >> well, as i said, i just explained what my intention was. >> angela, ben carson says his remarks were taken out of context. does he still need to explain how they were taken out of context? >> no, jonathan. we don't care how they were out of context. one very critical thing i think i want to mention to the good doctor, as lawyer, there are two pieces he is missing when it comes to bestiality and pedophilia, and that is consent. there's a total difference between two consenting adults and folks that are practicing pedophilia and bestiality. it is highly problematic that
angela, let's go back to that interview with andrea mitchell and ben carson.ake a listen. >> you're talking about apples, oranges, peaches, but when you say that the well-established pillar of society, no group be they gays, be they nambla, which is the society for man, boy, love, which we're talking about pedophilia. so we're talking about something that is illegal. be they people who believe in bestiality. you are in the same sentence equating same-sex marriage with things that are...
Mar 19, 2013
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joining me now is jonathan capehart and angela rai.or coming on the show tonight. >> thank you, rev. >> jonathan, let me start with you. how does the republican party move forward if the far right really wants to prevent them from doing so? >> it's really unclear. you know, as i wrote today, the first 12 pages of the growth and opportunity projects report are really brutal assessment of where the party has been, where it is right now and where it needs to go if it's not going to continue to lose presidential elections to the democratic party. but they say a lot of good things. they also, i want to point out, say that they're not a policy committee. this is all sort of tone, tenor and cosmetics. you know, diagnosing the problem is the first step to recovery. it's proactively doing something to heal yourself that is going to be -- that is the issue. and if folks are squawking at the diagnosis right now, particularly the base of the party is squawking, i'm not quite sure and i don't have a whole lot of faith that the republican party is g
joining me now is jonathan capehart and angela rai.or coming on the show tonight. >> thank you, rev. >> jonathan, let me start with you. how does the republican party move forward if the far right really wants to prevent them from doing so? >> it's really unclear. you know, as i wrote today, the first 12 pages of the growth and opportunity projects report are really brutal assessment of where the party has been, where it is right now and where it needs to go if it's not going...
Mar 5, 2013
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. >> today, there was one high- profile visitor -- german chancellor angela merkel. she worked as a scientist before getting into politics. at this year's fair, she also expressed an interest in high- tech fashion. >> if someone ever claims polish i.t. products are out of this world, they could be talking about this -- german chancellor angela merkel learns that the mars rover probe is outfitted with infrared sensors made in poland. without the technology, the red planet would remain more of a mystery. green computing remains an issue. in this hall, about 50 new companies are showing their latest ideas. like a portable solar panel, which allows smartphones or other mobile devices to be charged with sunlight. that gives chancellor merkel a fashion brainstorm. >> so, could we now make handbags with a solar panel on the flap out of this? that would be practical. you would always walk facing the sun. >> merkel also visited software giant s.a.p., which asks students to write programs using its software. >> how long did you work on this? >> really two weeks and two months
. >> today, there was one high- profile visitor -- german chancellor angela merkel. she worked as a scientist before getting into politics. at this year's fair, she also expressed an interest in high- tech fashion. >> if someone ever claims polish i.t. products are out of this world, they could be talking about this -- german chancellor angela merkel learns that the mars rover probe is outfitted with infrared sensors made in poland. without the technology, the red planet would...
Mar 7, 2013
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angela, we mentioned the big gathering at cpac next week.ng in there is senator rand paul of kentucky. perhaps that's why chris cillizza writes in "the washington post" today that, quote, no one should understatement rand paul's ability to have a major impact on the 2016 race. do you think that's still true, angela, after the tongue lashing he just received from john mccain and lindsey graham? >> it was quite a lashing, martin. i don't think that it's true of that he has the wind at his sails. i do think he's very desperate for attention. we saw a little bit of this when senator -- rather secretary clinton at the time was testifying before the senate hearing and rand paul told her that he had been the president of the united states, he would have fired her. and now his latest grandstanding is this filibuster stunned last night where, you know, i said repeatedly even on twitter, martin, listen, you know, john brennan is still going to be confirmed as the cia director and so what is the point of this really? >> angela, rand paul said john bren
angela, we mentioned the big gathering at cpac next week.ng in there is senator rand paul of kentucky. perhaps that's why chris cillizza writes in "the washington post" today that, quote, no one should understatement rand paul's ability to have a major impact on the 2016 race. do you think that's still true, angela, after the tongue lashing he just received from john mccain and lindsey graham? >> it was quite a lashing, martin. i don't think that it's true of that he has the...
Mar 12, 2013
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angela eckhart. angela basset. and gerard butler. i saw you play a surfer in "chaisie in"chasing m" then in this movie about the father getting divorced. >> "playing for keeps." >> how many movies you do a year? >> recently not that many. >> you play a secret service agent. a great guy named jerry parm saved the president, saved reagan. when he was growing up he saw a movie about a secret service agent. guess who played the guy who made him want to be in the secret service? reagan. this connection between the chief of secret service and president of the united states is fascinating. >> maybe one day i'll be president now and we can repeat the same story. >> that's the way it works. >> no. so i play mike banning. and we've been great friends. i was the special agent in charge. a tragedy happens. >> can you talk american? >> yeah. i play mike banning. a very good friend of president asher. basically, we move enough to this tragedy. i'm working at the treasury. we have the backdrop of the tensions and korea. out of nowhere, totally by s
angela eckhart. angela basset. and gerard butler. i saw you play a surfer in "chaisie in"chasing m" then in this movie about the father getting divorced. >> "playing for keeps." >> how many movies you do a year? >> recently not that many. >> you play a secret service agent. a great guy named jerry parm saved the president, saved reagan. when he was growing up he saw a movie about a secret service agent. guess who played the guy who made him want...
Mar 26, 2013
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let me show you, angela, some of ms.greatest hits if she was a performer. >> i may not always get my words right. >> obama care as we know is the crown jewel of socialism. >> if you're involved in the gay and lesbian lifestyle, it's bondage. it is personal bondage. >> not all cultures are equal. not all values are equal. >> we have gangster government. >> i wish the american media would take a great look at the views of the people in congress and find out, are they pro-america or anti-america? >> the pulitzer prize winning website politifact has found you have the worse record of making false statements. >> we are extremely careful and we were almost mistake free. >> angela, i mean, it seems as though way before these latest allegations, she had said some of the most outrageous things that even some of those on the right are saying this is too far and too bizarre for us to rally around. >> well, there's no question about it. politifact regularly questioned the veracity of michele bachmann's statements. there's no questio
let me show you, angela, some of ms.greatest hits if she was a performer. >> i may not always get my words right. >> obama care as we know is the crown jewel of socialism. >> if you're involved in the gay and lesbian lifestyle, it's bondage. it is personal bondage. >> not all cultures are equal. not all values are equal. >> we have gangster government. >> i wish the american media would take a great look at the views of the people in congress and find out,...
Mar 5, 2013
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. >> angela rye and ken vogel, welcome to you both.n't even declared herself a account but the very idea that ashley judd may challenge mitch mcconnell has led to what feels like another round of gender politics. do you think mcconnell supporters would treat, say, george clooney or daniel craig this way if they ran? >> well, martin, what we know for sure is that there's always been some separation when it comes to gender and politics. gender and the workplace. we're seeing this play out across the board. you know, with the president's first year we saw the lilly ledbetter act. there are all of these inequalities that exist, and i think it's up to us more progressive people and like-minded folks to really kind of push the buck here. ashley judd is a brilliant woman who happens to have some interest in the political process and has expressed that with or without this senate seat. so i think we need to see this play out, but they're definitely applying a lot of pressure, some of which is not fair, particularly when you look at what just h
. >> angela rye and ken vogel, welcome to you both.n't even declared herself a account but the very idea that ashley judd may challenge mitch mcconnell has led to what feels like another round of gender politics. do you think mcconnell supporters would treat, say, george clooney or daniel craig this way if they ran? >> well, martin, what we know for sure is that there's always been some separation when it comes to gender and politics. gender and the workplace. we're seeing this play...
Mar 10, 2013
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new government will focus on economic growth. >> indonesia's president bambang yudhoyono met with angelaerkel. >> if euroope does not want to fall behind we need a trade agreement. >> indonesia is interested in german combat tanks but berlin is hesitant on human rights violations. they later opened the international tourism fair. relations between the countries are going places. >> a new report on living conditions was slammed as a whitewash. it emerged that it was rejected by the fdp as it showed a gap between rich and poor and recommended a minimum wage. phillip ruesler vetoed the report for a new, edited version. the opposition was outraged. >> i don't think germany has seen something like that, where the government faked a report on trends in german society. >> the labor minister said new elements were added and justified the changes. the overall message -- germany is on the right path. >> north korea threatened a pre- emptive nuclear strike against the u.s. pyongyang sharpened the rhetoric after new sanctions. even china supported tightenign the sanctions. beijing is calloning for a
new government will focus on economic growth. >> indonesia's president bambang yudhoyono met with angelaerkel. >> if euroope does not want to fall behind we need a trade agreement. >> indonesia is interested in german combat tanks but berlin is hesitant on human rights violations. they later opened the international tourism fair. relations between the countries are going places. >> a new report on living conditions was slammed as a whitewash. it emerged that it was...
Mar 23, 2013
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angela mcglowan, james toronto and doug schoen. our first guest is here to evaluate obama's middle east tour. today's focus on the enormous price on jordan as a result of the syrian civil war. joining me now is judith miller and quivered clifford may. it is a very big positive impression with this to hr, if not a concrete result. >> it was an extraordinary tour. the israelis called it a thermo nucleacharm offensive. talk about a restart in a relationship tt was crying out. basically the president figured out do you attract more bees with honey in a country like israel who did evething he had to do to put a relationship on course. lou: wasn't he inconsistent to be talking about peace in the middle east? at the same time that he was threatening bashar al-assad and a wrong? >> yes, but they are both provocative. they are both blligerent. they are destabilizing forces and have been for years. he understands that the israelis are reliable allies, valuable allies in many ways. they are in a difficult neighborhood. the israelis, two years
angela mcglowan, james toronto and doug schoen. our first guest is here to evaluate obama's middle east tour. today's focus on the enormous price on jordan as a result of the syrian civil war. joining me now is judith miller and quivered clifford may. it is a very big positive impression with this to hr, if not a concrete result. >> it was an extraordinary tour. the israelis called it a thermo nucleacharm offensive. talk about a restart in a relationship tt was crying out. basically the...
Mar 13, 2013
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we just obtained a photo of the former preschool teacher -- angela cal-cagno. right now -- cal-cagno is not in custody and authorities have not filed any charges against her. but police say she has been questioned. leaders from the center pointe preschool and church held a parents-only meeting in pleasanton tonight. they're talking about the allegations against the former teacher. new at 11. kron4's scott rates was at that meeting with more on why parents are concerned. one parent after another most of them silent after tonight's closed door meeting held by the leaders of centerpoint church and pre-school. our cameras not allowed during the meeting, however in a press conference after the meeting a spokesperson for the pre-school had this to say about the incident. he's talking about angela cal-can-o she resigned from her job as a teacher here at the pre-school on jan, 18. this after police say the mother of a 2-year-old girl who attended the school said she saw a picture of her daughter taken by cal- can-o after she allegedly tied the toddler up with masking t
we just obtained a photo of the former preschool teacher -- angela cal-cagno. right now -- cal-cagno is not in custody and authorities have not filed any charges against her. but police say she has been questioned. leaders from the center pointe preschool and church held a parents-only meeting in pleasanton tonight. they're talking about the allegations against the former teacher. new at 11. kron4's scott rates was at that meeting with more on why parents are concerned. one parent after another...
Mar 18, 2013
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angela rye, political strategist and principal of impact strategies.hart is an opinion writer for the "washington post." ea steve kornacki, my colleague and co-host of "the cycle." at the top of the gop coroner's report, sorry, autopsy, it says, we must recruit more candidates who come from minority communities, but it's not just tone that counts, policy always matters. how well do you think they dress policy toward minorities in this publication? >> very little to not at all. if you look at the latino vote, there seems to be an acknowledgement immigration is a problem for the republican party. >> you would have thought so after 74% of latinos voted for this president and 94% of african-americans voted for the president. and 91% -- sorry, 71% of asian-americans voted. >> immigration covers, you know, basic -- does not cover nearly all of your problems. >> indeed. >> right there. but what i'm really struck by is i can think back decades to moments like this in the republican party when there have been frank and blunt acknowledgement from party leaders t
angela rye, political strategist and principal of impact strategies.hart is an opinion writer for the "washington post." ea steve kornacki, my colleague and co-host of "the cycle." at the top of the gop coroner's report, sorry, autopsy, it says, we must recruit more candidates who come from minority communities, but it's not just tone that counts, policy always matters. how well do you think they dress policy toward minorities in this publication? >> very little to not...
Mar 11, 2013
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thank you. >> angela, you are, and we're grateful to you.o much. >> thank you. >>> next, the gun violence debate from a slightly different perspective. >>> but first, hampton pearson has the cnbc market wrap. good afternoon, hampton. >> how you doing, martin? another day, another record close. the dow adding 50 points. s&p up 5. the nasdaq up 8. that's it from cnbc, first in business worldwide. [ male announcer ] at his current pace, bob will retire when he's 153, which would be fine if bob were a vampire. but he's not. ♪ he's an architect with two kids and a mortgage. luckily, he found someone who gave him a fresh perspective on his portfolio. and with some planning and effort, hopefully bob can retire at a more appropriate age. it's not rocket science. it's just common sense. from td ameritrade. i took something for my sinuses, but i still have this cough. [ male announcer ] a lot of sinus products don't treat cough. they don't? [ male announcer ] nope, but alka seltzer plus severe sinus does it treats your worst sinus symptoms, plus that
thank you. >> angela, you are, and we're grateful to you.o much. >> thank you. >>> next, the gun violence debate from a slightly different perspective. >>> but first, hampton pearson has the cnbc market wrap. good afternoon, hampton. >> how you doing, martin? another day, another record close. the dow adding 50 points. s&p up 5. the nasdaq up 8. that's it from cnbc, first in business worldwide. [ male announcer ] at his current pace, bob will retire when...
Mar 1, 2013
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angela, last question, the annual korve conference, cpac meets in two weeks.e acalling on cpac to allow go proud. they write conservative opinion on the intersection of homosexuality and politics is not mon lit ink, especially among the college-aged set that makes up the better part of the c nns pac attendees and a gathering that hopes to speak for the conservative movement will be better quipped to do so if it represents the overlapping gamut of views included in it. it's in the enough to allow people who are gay to attend, surely they must be allowed to contribute and speak, yes? >> i think when you look at what's happening with the republican party or conservatives, because some of them are acting like they no longer wish tosh under the republican umbrella based on what we see on more conservative networks, i won't name any names, but you have a situation where they don't understand that the american people overwhelmingly are supporting different causes. this is not the 1980s, people. it is time to wake up and understand that people feel very differently ab
angela, last question, the annual korve conference, cpac meets in two weeks.e acalling on cpac to allow go proud. they write conservative opinion on the intersection of homosexuality and politics is not mon lit ink, especially among the college-aged set that makes up the better part of the c nns pac attendees and a gathering that hopes to speak for the conservative movement will be better quipped to do so if it represents the overlapping gamut of views included in it. it's in the enough to...
Mar 28, 2013
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let's bring in angela and ryan grim.ou for being here tonight. >> thank you. >> ryan, she's back in a big way. how will the establishment and the gop handle this? >> you know, it's just a strange, strange thing for her to be doing. as you're watching that clip, you have to remind yourself, this is paid for by sarah palin's pack. she's raising money to produce a campaign video like this but hasn't held elected office for run for anything since she quit as governor. so it's just weird. what is is she doing? why is she producing this campaign-style web video? she points out that it's 20 months before an election. but what election? is she going to run for something? i think she has no idea what her place is in politics right now. she's just kind of out in the wind right now. she always defines herself for those that she's opposed to. first it was liberals and now it's karl rove and so i guess good luck to them. >> you know, angela, some powerful conservatives, though, dobt right her off. john mccain says there are many cand
let's bring in angela and ryan grim.ou for being here tonight. >> thank you. >> ryan, she's back in a big way. how will the establishment and the gop handle this? >> you know, it's just a strange, strange thing for her to be doing. as you're watching that clip, you have to remind yourself, this is paid for by sarah palin's pack. she's raising money to produce a campaign video like this but hasn't held elected office for run for anything since she quit as governor. so it's just...
Mar 25, 2013
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angela mcglowan. we are so glad to have you. >> there is nothing like self-preservation. 2014, 20 of them will be up for senator reelection and harry reid wants to gethem reelected. the bottom line is that the company hasn't passed the budget. lou: are we going to see resolution? including the remainder of this fiscal year. they did go down the pol roger ry budget out while back. lou: it was not brought forward by the biden administration. but it was a voting effect in terms of procedure. but let's get to the issue here. what does the future hold for us? we are moving forward for a new fiscal year. >> the senate will pass a budget come in the house will house will pass a budget. they will be miles apart. >> this is basically a political document. the house wanted to force the senate to pass budget. this was part of the deal by extending the debt ceiling. because they wanted to make the democrats vote on a budget. lou: how can so many members of our senate continued to spend whatever and the like they
angela mcglowan. we are so glad to have you. >> there is nothing like self-preservation. 2014, 20 of them will be up for senator reelection and harry reid wants to gethem reelected. the bottom line is that the company hasn't passed the budget. lou: are we going to see resolution? including the remainder of this fiscal year. they did go down the pol roger ry budget out while back. lou: it was not brought forward by the biden administration. but it was a voting effect in terms of procedure....
Mar 22, 2013
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joining me now is angela and abby huntsman. both for coming on this show. >> thank you, rev. >> angie, why are we seeing a shift on these issues? >> well, it's political expediency as the country continues to shift demographically, as the country continues to evolve like the president, you're going to continue to see a change in the gop's politics. they can't afford to be as conservative and right leaning as they once were. >> abby, your dad took grief for taking some positions. now i see rand paul defending his stance on immigration, of all places, fox news. take a listen. >> people like coulter and limbaugh say that you are being suckered. >> what we have now is de-facto amnesty. here's another news flash. we haven't been too competitive in the last two national elections. >> what do you say when you hear rand paul saying something like that, abby? >> by dad doesn't sound all too crazy anymore, does he, rev? but look, these are going to be the issues that dominate the 2014, 2016 election cycle. so i mean, it's no surprise rep
joining me now is angela and abby huntsman. both for coming on this show. >> thank you, rev. >> angie, why are we seeing a shift on these issues? >> well, it's political expediency as the country continues to shift demographically, as the country continues to evolve like the president, you're going to continue to see a change in the gop's politics. they can't afford to be as conservative and right leaning as they once were. >> abby, your dad took grief for taking some...
Mar 18, 2013
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angela merkel says they will do "what is necessary" to ensure the future of the euro. both had much to talk about. the european commission president says europe must continue with reforms while paying attention to the social consequences like the unrest in cyprus. >> before more, let's go to our parliamentary studios. this is a top level meeting of euro's top-level. can you fill us in? >> the meeting is occurring here at the invitation at the invitation of angela merkel. there are 15 heads of leading european firms. it is the ceo of ericsson. what is on tehir minds is competitiveness. they are eager to look beyond to innocvation, energy, climate. there are not trying to talk about the cyprus issue alone. there was brief mentions saying that of course bureau stability -- euro stability is crucial. how do we get there to encourage growth and innovation? >> they have been distancing themselves from the planet. what else can you tell us? >> this tax on depositors and small depositors it was somehow the instigation of germany. german politicians have been pushing back on th
angela merkel says they will do "what is necessary" to ensure the future of the euro. both had much to talk about. the european commission president says europe must continue with reforms while paying attention to the social consequences like the unrest in cyprus. >> before more, let's go to our parliamentary studios. this is a top level meeting of euro's top-level. can you fill us in? >> the meeting is occurring here at the invitation at the invitation of angela merkel....
Mar 21, 2013
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. >> angela rye. >> and dana milbank.rd the president saying he wished republicans would stop -- and it seems the history channel has cast an actor in the role of satan that glenn beck and others say looks just like the president. i thought his greatest sin was being a kenyan socialist. now it appears he's satan as well? >> they just can't get enough. they tried to say he was born, he didn't wear a flag pin during the campaign, didn't say the pledge of allegiance. i do not united states these folks. i do not think at all this individual looks like the president. actually it looks burned, like he's been in the fire, hence satan, but not at all the president. it's such a distracting divisive point. they can't focus on what matters, like passing a budget and get folks employed, rather than creating this image. >>> they say it's purely coincidental, but there is another school of thought, which suggests that the produces were somehow overruled by the hidden hand of the almighty, and one radio host is now suggesting that very
. >> angela rye. >> and dana milbank.rd the president saying he wished republicans would stop -- and it seems the history channel has cast an actor in the role of satan that glenn beck and others say looks just like the president. i thought his greatest sin was being a kenyan socialist. now it appears he's satan as well? >> they just can't get enough. they tried to say he was born, he didn't wear a flag pin during the campaign, didn't say the pledge of allegiance. i do not...
Mar 23, 2013
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angela, what's it like working with this guy?director of the cia and installed all her trust in gerard butler. >> yeah. i would agree with you. i go in there and i claim to be the woman for the job, thank you very much, but it was great. i think we shot it pretty much in order, the first scene, first scene was the first day. >> yeah, that's right. >> there has never been a female director of the cia. some would argue after all the problems general petraeus had and others it may be time. watching you, i could see you actually doing it. >> after watching her performance, you say she should be the next director. >> just knowing angela, absolutely. she's smart enough. why not. >> what did you feel about that? did you think it would be good to have more women in the top roles of government? >> i think absolutely. one of our co-stars actually is running for office soon, isn't she? ashley. >> that's right. >> am i? no, by no means. absolutely not. no. no. no. too black and white, right and wrong. i'm not too much in the gray area. >> an
angela, what's it like working with this guy?director of the cia and installed all her trust in gerard butler. >> yeah. i would agree with you. i go in there and i claim to be the woman for the job, thank you very much, but it was great. i think we shot it pretty much in order, the first scene, first scene was the first day. >> yeah, that's right. >> there has never been a female director of the cia. some would argue after all the problems general petraeus had and others it...
Mar 14, 2013
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angela, is this a good thing for the democrats sf. >> i think it's a great thing for the democrats.f it's for entertainment value only, we'll watch for entertainment value. at some point, the republicans have got to say, we've got to stop entertaining and start talking about american values in a way that makes sense to not only the american public but what makes sense for the republican party. they cannot continue down the same path of talking about the same issues in the same way when the country continues to evolve into change. they have to look at their core values, their core messaging and communicating it to a group of people at a demographic that continues to change. >> we mentioned at the top, this is a chance for power talk. a lot of republicans came together a couple months ago at a meet of the rnc and louisiana governor bobby jindal said that republicans have to stop being "the stupid party and get their message together." is this a place where that gets done? is this a place or a lot of different messages get thrown out and we see what sticks? what happens here? >> i thin
angela, is this a good thing for the democrats sf. >> i think it's a great thing for the democrats.f it's for entertainment value only, we'll watch for entertainment value. at some point, the republicans have got to say, we've got to stop entertaining and start talking about american values in a way that makes sense to not only the american public but what makes sense for the republican party. they cannot continue down the same path of talking about the same issues in the same way when...
Mar 12, 2013
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their records identify this former teacher in this case as angela kalkano. state says she's been barred from work, at any school until this investigation is resolved. administrators here at this christian preschool in pleasanton say the former teacher bound the hands and feet of one of her students. pleasanton police have launched a criminal investigation focused on a former teacher at center point christian preschool identified today through state records as angela kalkano. she resigned last week before the allegations came to light. she's accused of using masking tape to bind the wrist and anksles of -- ankles of a -- of a 2-year-old girl who didn't want to take a nap. >> it's absolutely deplorable to that any person, including the children under our care, would in any way do something so terrible as this incident. children are made in the image of god and deserve to be fully respected and this is a dehumanizing incident that we're greatly grieved over. >> reporter: the state's community care licensing agency issued a violation notice against center point
their records identify this former teacher in this case as angela kalkano. state says she's been barred from work, at any school until this investigation is resolved. administrators here at this christian preschool in pleasanton say the former teacher bound the hands and feet of one of her students. pleasanton police have launched a criminal investigation focused on a former teacher at center point christian preschool identified today through state records as angela kalkano. she resigned last...
Mar 1, 2013
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. >> usually, angela merkel's cabinet will come up with a law that will go to the second chamber for approval. >> today, the greens tried to turn that process on its head, introducing their own bill. >> angela merkel coalition may still control the lower house, but after a key regional election in january, the opposition in majority in the bundestag, the second chamber that represents the federal states. they are now using it to pressure the government. >> we are pleased things have changed. >> we want to improve things. regional governments often have to lead the way, and of course, we have to be clear in our position. >> one thing that both parties want to see is a minimum wage introduced in germany. as of yet, there is none. with the result that some workers are so poorly paid they need a job and welfare just to get by. the social democrats and the greens took to change that using their new advantage, but leaders from conservative regional governments do not want to hear it. >> it represents the state's interest. it is my duty to represent the various interests and not to undermin
. >> usually, angela merkel's cabinet will come up with a law that will go to the second chamber for approval. >> today, the greens tried to turn that process on its head, introducing their own bill. >> angela merkel coalition may still control the lower house, but after a key regional election in january, the opposition in majority in the bundestag, the second chamber that represents the federal states. they are now using it to pressure the government. >> we are pleased...
Mar 9, 2013
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in 2005, angela merkel became the first female german chancellor. let's take a look back. >> the main breadwinner and head of the family. women won the battle against legally defined marital roles. they got to decide if it wanted to go to work -- if they wanted to go to work. in 1997, marital rape became a criminal offense. >> the end of this century, also the end of the middle ages. >> women from across the political divide one the fight against men who rape their wives. at the beginning of the new millennium, women gained the right to serve in all military roles. women could now go to war. the move product practical questions. >> there is no rule about bras and underwear for women, is there? or should they be a special color? >> as long as they are not least panties, then you could buy everything. >> four years later, angela merkel became the first female chancellor. >> the role of women in german society has changed significantly since the 1950's. >> the position of women in india has been in the spotlight more than ever before since the brutal g
in 2005, angela merkel became the first female german chancellor. let's take a look back. >> the main breadwinner and head of the family. women won the battle against legally defined marital roles. they got to decide if it wanted to go to work -- if they wanted to go to work. in 1997, marital rape became a criminal offense. >> the end of this century, also the end of the middle ages. >> women from across the political divide one the fight against men who rape their wives. at...
Mar 11, 2013
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: financial news, analysis, and today's investment ideas good morning.it's monday, march 11th.i'm angela miles. in today's first look:is this a runaway stock market? stocks raced higher friday.. with the dow setting a record high.the s&p 500 is now within striking distance of a record close of 1566 almost there.gold tacked on 3 dollars as oil closed only slightly higher. blueprint budget battle. house republicans and senate democrats both reveal budget plans for the nation this week. macy's, martha and mediation.a new york judge is ordering macy's, jc penney and marth stewart living ominmedia into mediation over martha's merchandise... by april 8th.. when the trial resumes. mark sebastian of option pit mentoring joins us on this monday morning for a look at the market. good morning to you. > >good morning angela. > >what is the stock market telling us about the economy, mark? > >i think we saw on friday what the stock market is telling us. its expecting good numbers. that 236 number seems like a huge surprise but the s &p only rallied about 7 handles on that. and that shows you that the
: financial news, analysis, and today's investment ideas good morning.it's monday, march 11th.i'm angela miles. in today's first look:is this a runaway stock market? stocks raced higher friday.. with the dow setting a record high.the s&p 500 is now within striking distance of a record close of 1566 almost there.gold tacked on 3 dollars as oil closed only slightly higher. blueprint budget battle. house republicans and senate democrats both reveal budget plans for the nation this week....
Mar 27, 2013
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i'm angela miles. in today's first look: the dow does it again. the blue chips skyrocketed more than 100 points to a record close yesterday. today traders will closely track the s&p 500, which is just a couple of points shy of a record session ending. gold added 3 dollars, while oil topped out at a 5-week high during the session. the irs steps it up: tax refunds delayed by a filing error for an education credit may go out in 2 to 4 weeks instead of 6. h&r block reportedly is to blame for some of the mis-filed tax forms. and a fraud alert on medical devices. the goverment is warning patients that physician-owned groups get kickbacks from recommending and pushing medical devices. time now for trader talk, and mark sebastian of options pit mentoring joins us now. mark, the market felt as though it had some momentum going yesterday. it just wanted to go higher. is that true? > > absolutely angela. this is a short-at-your-own-risk market. there has been money stuck on the sidelines. any time we get a sell-off, people are seeing that as an opportunity t
i'm angela miles. in today's first look: the dow does it again. the blue chips skyrocketed more than 100 points to a record close yesterday. today traders will closely track the s&p 500, which is just a couple of points shy of a record session ending. gold added 3 dollars, while oil topped out at a 5-week high during the session. the irs steps it up: tax refunds delayed by a filing error for an education credit may go out in 2 to 4 weeks instead of 6. h&r block reportedly is to blame...