in that spirit of love and that spirit that is angela alioto, this thing is framed as well. this is a certificate truly recognizing angela and everything she has done over the last six, seven years over her life and all the work that she will continue to do. thank you very much. on behalf of all of us, for everything. [applause] and that will be framed. to the 10-year planning council, to our entire staff, to our state partners, our local partners, kaiser, blue shield, all those folks out there doing work every single day. we are proud of you. thank you for continuing this, and we will see you back here at the 38th project homeless connect. [applause] >> thank you, everybody. i could get you to stay here one minute, we will run through the logistics and get the doors open. about 400 people are waiting to get services, so we will get you going real quick. thank you. >> really quickly, judith. >> my name is phil williams. i'm one of the early volunteers. the mayor was on the radio in february, january 2005 and invited people to volunteer and live their values. i signed up in fe