hello, question williams, corey williams, angela and mark switch. how are you doing? >> amazing.r: what was it like last night? >> unbelievable to see an empty stadium in front of us was amazing. >> reporter: how do to win the contest? what did you do? >> she's the one that won the contest. we made some videos for courtyard. they love the videos and here we are. we won by boat and decisions and all sorts of things. it was amazing! >> reporter: are you able to sleep? i could not sleep last night. did you sleep well? >> a little bit. and the beds were amazing. once we lay down, we were conked out for a few hours. >> reporter: was a like a real hotel room in their? did they can afford it and make it look at? >> it was exactly like the courtyard room. >> reporter: what were your feelings going to bed knowing that this is the watched game, super bowl sunday, levi stadium, this is a super bowl. you were sitting there and was probably pretty quiet. nothing going on. looking out on the pristine field? >> it was amazing. this is the only time in my life i have ever enjoyed paint dry. we w