angela davis writes to ward off the police all, well, sometimes books. you usually do work against catholic garlic, against vampyres libraries are often a last refuge for people who don't have access to basic resources. that's why organizers are trying to get their cities to shift funds that would go to police and private security to directly help their patrons and need in denver. they've been able to get the city to make social workers. he auxiliaries to librarians to help patrons find housing, health care, and other services, and to administer, nor can, to prevent opioid overdose as abolitionists librarians either mission as increasing library access for all. i mean, we can't keep living in a world where librarians have to stand by and watch us please invade their workplaces and brutalize the people. if serv, i mean, until we change the system, the only thing they can do in response to say is a library island servers. on please we have to go to a quick break, but check out more redacted tonight at portable dot tv will be right back. the americans love