it came from angela diaz, ian's wife of three months. had recently announced she was pregnant. >> angela came into the picture not long after ian and michelle had actually broken up. >> reporter: reporter kate briquelet covered this story for the daily beast. she spent hours digging through the curious emails michelle sent ian during the condo dispute. >> one minute she's very polite and thanking him for reminders on her car insurance. the next minute, you know, she's saying that he's satan and the anti-christ. >> reporter: even after they signed the agreement on the condo, the emails kept coming. ian got this one on may 22. "you told me i was your first love, but you did not treat me like the precious, perfect treasure i am. you have sinned against god, and i want my power back because it belongs to us, the daughters of god." then, something new and strange started happening. angela began receiving emails, too. >> long, rambling emails saying that, you know, her husband ian doesn't love her, that michelle is, you know, his one true love