. -- angela gardner's position because she had to leave. ggnra says that the current situation has not been sustainable. it has been in place since 1979. we have the most beautiful place in the city. we have people from all over the world looking at the facebook page. why can't we have this in sweden or all of these other countries? one more thing. as a walker, i have to see this. we have a gigantic industry in this area and in this city that is seriously threatened by this. you're going to have hundreds of people unable to work, thousands of dogs and able to go out anymore. it will be a big deal and all of the ways they already told you about. >> i am an auditor with over 15 years experience. i was with a major public accounting firm for the city of san francisco otic. this environmental impact study and plan is overwhelming and misleading to the public. the national park service claims that the dogs are public safety record. the actual data shows that about 1% of the public safety risks are actually related to dogs. this is in contrast to