this week abbe smith and angela hines contributing authors to "how can you represent those people?" the director and supervisor of georgetown law school's criminal defense and prisoner advocacy clinic discussed defense attorneys answers to the professional question they are asked most often, how they are able to do and those crimes. the program is about an hour. >> host: i am so glad to be able to interview you and your book, "how can you represent those people?". as i was telling you before, for me it was a very interesting and thought provoking book and i don't say that lightly because if it weren't i wouldn't say otherwise but it was definitely brought out a lot of emotions from me, anger, sadness, laughter and humor. it takes basically ran the whole gamut so white you start happy by telling us how did you come up with the idea for the book? >> guest: first of all i'm really proud of it so i'm delighted that the response because there is nothing really like it out there. 15 thoughtful essays that answer the question that defense lawyers referred to alternately as either the cockt