various ministries to use on social media or in other capacities so that we have a resource to eve angela kramer lies the -- evangelize the the faith. >> i haven't heard of one secret mission. here is an interesting thing. they have a video and you wrote the script for their video. oh i don't have it. i was going to read it. here it is. it's very interesting. you combine art century and thee -- artistry and theology. you are an artist. you see things differently. where others see ordinary sunset you see a masterpiece. you bring beauty into an otherwise dark world because you are an artist. it's what you do. you create because you were made in the image and likeness of a creator. you know how to tell stories because you have heard the greatest story ever told. the act of creating speaks to the very core of who you are because he passed the creative spark to you. that's very good writing, very simple and very effective it seems to me. i believe that people reach out to you when they see your writing to ask you to come help, work, give talks to youth and so on. >> yeah. i feel like i really don't p